Installing Tokaido

The Tokaido CLI runs on Mac and Linux. It is ready to support the most common Drupal configurations. Before using Tokaido for your project, it's a good idea to make sure it's compatible.

Tokaido works with Drupal projects running:

  • Drupal 7 or Drupal 8
  • PHP 7.1, 7.2 or 7.3
  • Your Drupal site must be in a Git repository

It is highly recommended that your project also includes the following best practices:

  • You should use PHP Composer to install and manage your Drupal site and modules
  • Your Drupal site should be located in a sub-directory off your Git root, such as /web or /docroot


While these last two requirements aren't essential, we are unable to provide any support if you don't use Composer or if you place your Drupal site (ie: DRUPAL_ROOT in the same folder as your .git folder)",

Once you're comfortable with the requirements above, you're ready to install Tokaido.

While building Tokaido, we made some assumptions about how most people develop their Drupal sites. If you can't satisfy these requirements, but would still like to use Tokaido, please get in touch. We want to hear from you so that we know that there is demand for other use cases, and we hope we can ask you to help us test support for these new configurations.


MacOS System Requirements

Before installing Tokaido on Mac, please ensure you have the following pre-requisites installed:

Installing Tokaido

With Docker and Homebrew installed, getting Tokaido on MacOS is easy! Simply open a Terminal window (we recommend iTerm 2) and run the following commands:

brew tap ironstar-io/tap
brew install tokaido


Linux System requirements

On Linux, Tokaido must use the 'Unison' sync service. This uses a network connection to perform bi-directional sync between the Tokaido environment and your local host.

To use Tokaido, you need to install Unison and a filesystem monitor program. Here's an example of how to do this on Debian/Ubuntu systems:

sudo apt-get -y install inotify-tools ocaml-nox build-essential
curl -L${UNISON_VERSION}.tar.gz | tar zxv -C /tmp
cd /tmp/unison-${UNISON_VERSION}
sed -i -e 's/GLIBC_SUPPORT_INOTIFY 0/GLIBC_SUPPORT_INOTIFY 1/' src/fsmonitor/linux/inotify_stubs.c
make UISTYLE=text NATIVE=true STATIC=true
sudo cp src/unison src/unison-fsmonitor /usr/local/bin

Installing Tokaido

Once you have Unison and unison-fsmonitor installed, you can get the latest Tokaido release as a binary from our Github release page

Stay up to date!

We release a new version of Tokaido pretty regularly, so be sure to run brew upgrade tokaido periodically on MacOS or to manually check the latest releases on Linux.

Notice something wrong? Shoot us a PR!