
Every Tokaido environment launches a memcache container by default, although you can turn memcache off per-project by using the tok config command.


Tokaido uses Memcache version 1.5,

When Tokaido uses Memcache it will also add the Memcache config to the**sites/default/settings.tok.php on Drupal 8 sites. If the memcache module is enabled, it will work.

If you need to manually configure Memcache, here is the code required.

if (\Drupal::hasService('cache.backend.memcache')) {
  $settings['cache']['default'] = 'cache.backend.memcache';
  $settings['memcache_storage']['key_prefix'] = '';
  $settings['memcache_storage']['memcached_servers'] = ['memcache:11211' => 'default'];
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