
The best place to find the Tokaido developers for support is in the #Tokaido channel on the official Drupal Slack. This is a good place to start if you're looking for help using Tokaido, or if you're encountering some strange behaviour.

Submitting Bugs

The Github issue tracker is our preferred channel for bug reports.


When submitting a bug report, it helps us immensely if you include as much detail as you can, along with clear instructions on how we can reproduce the problem.

Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests (use #Tokaido in Drupal Slack)

If you would prefer to ask for support privately, you can email tokaido at

Requesting Features

Feature requests are always welcome and can be opened in the Github issue tracker.

Be sure to have a search to see if someone has requested that feature before.

We have tough decisions to make about what features we can include in the project. Some features will distract us from Tokaido's core goals, and other features won't deliver enough value to justify the time required to implement them, but we are always happy to discuss the merits of each feature request, and of course, contributions towards implementing that feature.


Good pull requests - patches, improvements, new features - are a fantastic help. They should remain focused in scope and avoid containing unrelated commits.


Please do check with us before embarking on any significant pull request. That way, we can make sure you don't spend lot of time working on something that the we might not want to merge into the project.

Please follow this process if you'd like your work considered for inclusion in the project:

  • Fork the project, clone your fork, and configure the remotes:
# Clone your fork of the repo into the current directory
git clone
# Navigate to the newly cloned directory
cd tok
# Assign the original repo to a remote called "upstream"
git remote add upstream<upstream-owner>/tok
  • If you cloned a while ago, get the latest changes from upstream:
git checkout develop
git pull upstream develop
  • Create a new topic branch (off the main project development branch) to contain your feature, change, or fix:
git checkout -b <topic-branch-name>
  • Commit your changes in logical chunks. Please adhere to these git commit message guidelines or your code is unlikely be merged into the main project. Use Git’s interactive rebase feature to tidy up your commits before making them public.
  • Locally merge (or rebase) the upstream development branch into your topic branch:
git pull [--rebase] upstream develop
  • Push your topic branch up to your fork:
git push origin <topic-branch-name>


By submitting a patch, you agree that the work you submit is free and open source and may be licensed under the same license BSD as that used by the project.",
Notice something wrong? Shoot us a PR!